Rest for Mothers: Reclaiming Energy and Joy

One of the topics that always sparks deep reflection for me is the concept of rest for mothers. As new mothers, we are often told to “rest when the baby sleeps.” In those first few weeks, this advice makes sense. The exhaustion from labor and birth is unparalleled, and catching snippets of sleep whenever possible […]

The Closing the bones ceremony

The Closing the Bones ceremony is a traditional ritual common in Ecuador and other parts of Central and South America after women have given birth. The mother’s pelvis is rocked, bound, and closed, supporting the postnatal recovery of the mother. The benefits are both physical, emotional, and spiritual; it provides the mother with time to […]

Yin and Yang in postpartum food

Yin and Yang is a Chinese philosophical concept represented by two distinct poles, two primary forces of creation, opposite and complementary, that create and manage all phenomena. Yin integrates the night, the new moon, the winter, the shadow, the cold, stillness and slowness and is represented by the black colour. Yang is the day, the […]

Postpartum neuroplasticity – Baby Brain

We decided to bring this issue that started in a recent post on social media about breastfeeding, so we really had to develop it on the Tree of Life’s blog. It’s true that a woman’s brain changes during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, it’s also true that there are ‘functions’ that, as they are […]

Puerperal dysphoria or Baby Blues

Puerperal dysphoria is an emotional state caused by hormonal changes that can appear during the puerperium and which is distinguished from postpartum depression, as a psychiatric/psychological disorder. The most frequent symptoms are sadness, crying, irritability, tiredness, insecurity, difficulty concentrating and changes in appetite and may appear in the first three days after delivery and last […]