The Closing the bones ceremony
The Closing the Bones ceremony is a traditional ritual common in Ecuador and other parts of Central and South America after women have given birth. The mother’s pelvis is rocked, bound, and closed, supporting the postnatal recovery of the mother. The benefits are both physical, emotional, and spiritual; it provides the mother with time to […]
Postpartum recovery
In many parts of the world, there are many different ways to live the postpartum period, but beside the differences, in most of them, the mother is cared for, pampered, fed, nourished, and supported by the mother, mother-in-law, or maternity caregivers, not only for her to be able to take care of and breastfeed her […]
Mother’s intuition is real
As a mom, do you ever feel a little voice or a feeling, like a pressure in your stomach, when you have to make a decision? Well, congratulations, you’re just feeling your gut intuition, which in fact is connected to your brain – the messages came from the insula and the amygdala. This is […]
Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping
Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping: what does this mean? The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which, while in utero, is attached to the mother. After birth the placenta detaches from the mother and is ejected from the body, and at this time the umbilical cord stops supplying the baby with oxygen and nutrients. Delayed […]
There’s no such thing as loving children too much
We transcribe some quotes from the article The importance of early bonding on the long-term mental health and resilience of children ”The evidence on the powerful role of loving nurture in the emotional, social and cognitive development of children is powerful.” ”The most important stage for brain development is the beginning of life, starting in […]
Childbirth without fear
This very important subject should and can be discussed during pregnancy and even before conception, when the woman (or the couple) decides to ‘receive’ a child. In our culture, childbirth is associated with pain and it’s related as frightening, distressing, painful and disabling moment, leading us to retain images of screaming women that commonly need […]
Motherhood is one of the highest soul path
Before you read I want to explain about my beliefs and whilst vocabulary. I recognize that exists an energy, higher intelligence that connects all beings. I call it God, but some call it the Whole, The Universe, Supreme Energy. I don’t think of God as a male Divinity that is omnipresent. Yes, I was raised […]
Yin and Yang in postpartum food
Yin and Yang is a Chinese philosophical concept represented by two distinct poles, two primary forces of creation, opposite and complementary, that create and manage all phenomena. Yin integrates the night, the new moon, the winter, the shadow, the cold, stillness and slowness and is represented by the black colour. Yang is the day, the […]
Orgasmic childbirth: illusion or reality?
Think for a moment about all the stories you’ve heard about childbirth, I bet the word orgasmic isn’t at the top of the list, or even included. Orgasmic birth is about the connection between birth and sexuality, the idea of reaching orgasm during childbirth is not, however, intended to put new pressure on women (they […]
Postpartum neuroplasticity – Baby Brain
We decided to bring this issue that started in a recent post on social media about breastfeeding, so we really had to develop it on the Tree of Life’s blog. It’s true that a woman’s brain changes during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, it’s also true that there are ‘functions’ that, as they are […]